Stories — Jewelry: A Life Story
This bracelet was run over by a Range Rover

The first year that I started working with my aunt, Jessica Rose, there was a retrospective exhibition of her work at Sothebys of London. One of the pieces sold during the show was a gold Bullet cuff. More than 15 years later I was contacted by the collector. Her bracelet had been run over by a Range Rover.
Pearl bridal jewelry

I received the sweetest thank you from a lovely bride whose wedding jewelry I made.
The Little Prince and the necklace

Just a few weeks after the thrill of seeing Wendy Whelan wearing my earrings, I got a call from a friend, "I'm watching a documentary about the Little Prince and one of the experts is wearing your necklace!"
Wendy Whelan's earrings

The other night I was watching a movie while making dinner. A few days earlier I listened to an episode of Fresh Air where Terry Gross interviewed Wendy Whelan and it inspired me to watch Restless Creature, the documentary about the dancer on Netflix.
Pearl wedding earrings

I gave a pair of these earrings to a friend to wear at her wedding. She then wore them non-stop on her honeymoon, sending me selfies from exotic Greek locations.